Stanley Mosk Courthouse 111 North Hill Street Los Angeles, CA 90012 |
The Los Angeles County Superior Court Probate Department has
jurisdiction over conservatorships. As a mental health therapist, I have seen
that some people need conservatorship and more intensive care as well as
management of their person and estate. From what I have seen and know so far,
most of the laws governing this type of intervention by the courts are good
laws. The problem is who gets to interpret these laws and administer them
through the courts!! To make it very plain and straightforward, if judges and
politicians are corrupt, everything under them will get corrupted!!
As with my probate trust cases, the conservatorship of my
mother was just as corrupt! The main problem was that I had the same judge over
the conservatorship as the trust cases. This dirty judge was Aviva K. Bobb.
She knew about the crimes committed by my brother and sister and did nothing.
She knew that the lawyers were dirty. Especially Daniel Herbert and the
so-called court-appointed attorney for my mother, Andrea Van Leesten! The
next problem is that probate and conservatorship lawyers want to charge big
bucks to represent you. They usually want about $5,000.0 to start. If you have
to go to trial, it will cost $10,000.0 to $50,000.00 or much more. Once they
start working on your case, they start to play along with the opposing lawyers
and the dirty judge on the case like my last lawyer, Frank 0. Fox
-State Bar No. 117780 4262 Wilshire
Boulevard, Third Floor Los Angeles, California 90010-3505. This will
increase the costs for litigation and keep the case going on and on. Many
conservatorship cases go on for years!
Unfortunately for me, the co-trustees in my case were able to
use trust funds to pay for their lying dirty stupid lawyer Daniel Herbert!
I have had to pay out of my own pocket for all of my legal fees to protect my
parents’ trusts! My cases should have been shut down a long time ago due to all
of the civil and criminal violations by the co-trustees and so-called
attorneys! When you tell dirty probate Lawyers and judges that “criminal
violations are going on in my case,” they will tell you that probate is civil,
not criminal!
My mother, Myrtle Moore, was placed
into conservatorship on July 10, 2007, and my
brother and sister were appointed as co-conservators of her person and estate
by judge Aviva K. Bobb! They did this to keep her isolated in the state of
Georgia and to control her decisions by “undue influence”! This was very plain
and simple to see at the time if you take into consideration the first
accountings of her estate. These fraudulent accountings that the lawyer was
producing for my brother and sister Daniel Herbert
(State Bar No. 149301) of
RAMIREZ, TRESTER LLP law firm located at 801 S. Figueroa St, 15th Floor Los
Angeles, California 90017-3012 Telephone: (213) 624-6900, were all approved by
a very corrupt judge Aviva K. Bobb. I did file objections to these fraudulent
accountings back when they were filed as well as other lawyers that were on the
The main problem with these accountings was that there
TRUST. The first accountings by Daniel Herbert only reported on the Moore Family
Trusts and nothing on the Myrtle Moore Living Trust. My mother had to hire an attorney
Martin Reed to file a petition for the co-trustees to file accountings and to
include the Myrtle Moore Living Trust! When I opened this case back in 2004,
the Moore Family Trusts had multimillion-dollar holdings that included commercial
real estate and investment accounts. When Daniel Herbert produced the first accounting
of the Moore Family Trust, he did not disclose that the co-trustees David Moore
and Jean Robinson were removing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Moore
Family Trusts and sending these trust funds out of the state!
Conservators in California are required to produce
accountings of the personal assets and the estate of a Conservatee! The
accountings filed by my mother's co-conservators were just as fraudulent as the
accountings in the trust cases!! Aviva K. Bobb approved all of them!! To
add insult to injury, when the co-conservators placed my mother into
conservatorship, they fired her private attorney Martin Reed who had
filed a petition to compel proper accountings by the co-trustees. Then Aviva K.
Bobb appointed a corrupt co-called court-appointed attorney Andrea Van
Leesten for my mother. They refer to them as “PVP” attorneys in the
California Probate Courts. PVP stands for “Probate Volunteer Panel.” There
is nothing “volunteer” about these so-called attorneys, and they will
charge big bucks that are payable by the estate of the conservatee!! All she
did was lie to the court and helped to cover up the crimes committed by the
co-conservators for my mother, David Moore, and Jean Robinson!!
It took me until November
26, 2012, to get the court to remove my brother and sister as co-trustees of my
parents' trusts. I also filed to remove both of them as co-conservators of my
mother. They were finally removed by the second judge on my case, Michael I
Levanas. Judge Aviva K. Bobb only helped cover up my brother and sister's
crimes until they said she resigned from the court. By this time, millions of
dollars were stolen from the trusts, and my mother was mentally abused, and both
co-conservators neglected her medical care. Both co-conservators took out a
reverse mortgage on my mother’s home with no court approval, and it was not
disclosed until they were removed as co-trustees in 2012. This resulted in the
foreclosure of her home in California. The funds from this sale still have not
been fully accounted for!
Psychological Abuse, Isolation, Undue Influence, Neglect
Abuse & Medical Abandonment
During the time from 2007, until my mother passed away in July 2017, both co-conservators not only continued to steal and waste her
estate but also neglected her medical care and exposed her to psychological
abuse. My brother was a medical doctor as well as the co-trustee of my mother.
After both co-conservators were appointed back in 2007, they held my mother in
Georgia for a while to keep her isolated. She did not want to live in Georgia,
so they sent her back to California. She had a condominium in Inglewood,
California. My brother lived in Tennessee at the time and stole funds from my
mother’s estate to buy a Villa in South Africa. He totally ignored my mother
and her health care.
My mother had my two sons living with her to help her with her
medical care and daily living. When my brother found out that he would have to
act like a conservator of my mother and be present to ensure she had proper
medical care, he decided to return to California and act like he is living
He decided that he would move into my mother’s home and kick my
sons out! On the night of 8/29/2006, he returned to Inglewood, California, to
my mother’s house unannounced and started pushing my sons around and telling
them they had to move out. Then he called the Inglewood police and reported
that my sons were trespassing on my mother’s property, and he wanted them
arrested! This attack on my sons was very traumatic for my mother, and she was
crying when I got there. She told the police that she did not want my sons to
leave! I was able to get an Elder Abuse temporary restraining order against him
for this. Aviva K. Bobb did not remove him as conservator, mainly because the
court-appointed so-called PVP attorney Andrea Van Leesten only lied to protect him,
and my sister did nothing about it! After about a year, he returned back to
South Africa again and totally forgot about my mother!
My brother assaulted my sons and made false police reports again in June 2009, and again, I got a temporary Elder Abuse restraining order against him. When I reported
these crimes to Judge Aviva K. Bobb, the court-appointed PVP lawyer Andrea Van
Leesten would defend them and recommended that they not be removed as my
mother's conservators!
During those years, I got many reports from other family members
and friends of my mother that my brother would not allow them to talk to her
when they came to visit her at her home. He especially did not let my mother’s private
attorney Martin Reed speak to my mother when he came to see her at her home
while my brother was there.
I filed many police reports against my brother as well as
other family members. I also had reported him to the Los Angeles County Adult
Protective Services and they did nothing about it! This was really appalling
to me because I was working in the Los Angeles County Department of Children and
Family Services (DCFS) in child protective services!! I will report more details about my
experiences with law enforcement, Adult Protective Services, and reports that I
made to local government in another part of this series of reports.
After my brother and sister were removed as co-trustees,
my brother resigned as co-conservator, but my sister filed in the Georgia court
to transfer the conservatorship to Georgia, where they had been holding my
mother for years. I filed objections to this transfer, but the court-appointed
PVP attorney for my mother told judge Levanas that it is best to allow the
conservatorship to be transferred to a Georgia guardianship! Judge Levanas
approved this transfer and the PVP in Los Angeles Andrea Van Leesten got off
the case!
I filed objections to the Georgia probate court to try to
stop the transfer of the conservatorship. The Guardianship in Georgia was not
set up correctly, and my sister lied about my mother’s estate to the Georgia
Probate Court. In her Georgia probate court documents, my sister reported that
my mother had some jewelry and a small checking account. She did not say anything
about my mother’s trusts herein Los Angeles or the fact that my sister had
stolen funds from her Living Trust to purchase a commercial property in Georgia
that was paid for by my mother’s living trust. My mother was on the original
title deed to the property and the mortgage.
To add more insults to injuries, the Los Angeles Probate
court appointed another PVP attorney for my mother in Los Angeles. This Rat was
Samuel Ingham III. He did nothing to stop the foreclosure on my mother’s
home in California and lied to the Georgia Probate court that my mother was destitute
and agreed to transfer the conservatorship to Georgia! Samuel Ingham took no court
actions against my sister to recover the millions of dollars that were stolen
from my mother’s trust and reported to the Georgia court that my sister was in “good
standing” in the Los Angeles probate case! After the guardianship was finalized
in Georgia PVP, Samuel Ingham III removed himself from my case and charged the
trust about $18,000.000.
During the last year before my trial on March 24, 2021, I contacted two lawyers in Georgia to investigate the Guardianship of my mother. After I provided them with extensive evidence of felony elder abuse and that the Georgia Probate court should have known about it, they both refused to try to open a case with the Georgia Probate court or came up with an excuse that it will be very expensive and difficult to do. My mother had a court-appointed lawyer in Georgia at the time the Guardianship was approved. I did file solid evidence with the probate court that my sister had been removed as trustee in Los Angeles for her malfeasance over my mother's estate and trusts and was not in good standing. She did nothing about it!
By the time Samuel Ingham
and Jeffery Siegel were appointed on my case, I got another judge Lesley C.
Green over my case. She was just as corrupt as the judges before her. She
only approved anything that the court-appointed temporary successor trustee Jeffery
Siegel wanted and denied anything I requested no matter how illegal the
requested actions were by Jeffery Siegel. I will go into more details about the
next set of judges on my case in part III of the series.
Co-Conservator David Moore & Police
Co-Conservator David Moore & Police |
Myrtle Moore
Grandsons of Myrtle Moore
Court documents: click on the image to see a full-size document
June 26, 2009 Restraining Order
8/29/2006 Inglewood Police Report |
Case#: BP141987 - The Myrtle Moore Living Trust
The Moore Family Trusts - BP084530